Monday, August 7, 2006

Fun Decorating Phrases

I recently returned from a national decorating conference. It was a lot of fun and inspirational. Here are the top fun decorating phrases that a speaker said during their presentation.

Sherwin-Williams did an excellent presentation on color forecasting. As you may know, much of interior color palettes originally came from fashion first. The speaker told us that while brown is still dominate in fashion, soon black will return so.."Black is the new black" was my favorite phrase from her.

A cheery women from the south talked about window treatments. Fabric and textures at the window really can complete the room. Her phrase.... "Looking at a bare window is like looking at a bare light bulb" Love that!

My last new fun decorating phrase was in regards to preparing a house to sell and staging it. The average potential buyer will look first look at a house in 6 minutes. The quote: "Looking at a houses is like speed dating - you like it or you don't"

Do you have a favorite saying about decorating? I would love to hear about

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