Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bookmarks and Diggs

Have you noticed on the left side of this blog the bar that says "SUBSCRIBE"?It is a cool little widget that lets you, my dear readers, subscribe to this great little blog. You will be notified about new postings.I would like to invite you to subscribe to INSIDE THE HOME stylist blog. It is easy, quick and you won't miss a single post.

Have you noticed on the left side further down is a bar that says "BOOKMARK"?Have you ever wondered what that is? It is a way for readers, just like you, to bookmark this blog and share your find with others. Two of the most popular collective bookmarking sites are called DIGG and DEL.ICIO.US. Visitors to Digg and can view what other people think are neat blogs and websites. The more diggs or points you get the more people can learn about other cool sites.

I would love for you to add me to DIGG and You can add this blog and/or website.It is appreciated. Thanks for spreading the love.

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