Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Interior Decorating professional policies

Establishing professional policies for your interior decorating or staging business helps to keep your business profitable and manageable. Unfortunately some of my professional policies have been instituted because a previous client has some how ruined it for the rest of the clients.

One of the professional policies that I have instituted in the past year is that I do not allow my "design inspiration and planning boards" to leave my presence. About a year ago I pitched my decorating plans to a potential commercial account and left my boards for them to "think it over." I did not get the job but months later I looked at that company's website and - wouldn't you know it - they had done my exact ideas from my boards and followed my recommendations and using in-house staff.

Now when I present a large project or am competing for a job, I do not leave my boards. On my last big job, I explained my professional policy and they did not have a problem with me not leaving the boards.
For those for you who are interested in starting in this profession, learn from others and establish policies that work for you and your business. Are there professional policies that you never thought you would have to implement? Tell me your story.

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